Production1 week 1

Production has started!

We have now fully started developing our game.

The added features for this week are:

Throw: You are able to grab an other player and throw them away.

Eat: You can eat in order to regain health points. By using this ability, points will be lost. (cost price)

Movement: movement in the game is 8 dimensional, meaning you can run in every direction.

The tree and the banana's are ready and the shader was put on to see if we got the wanted effect.

To get a good effect of the shader on the models, smoothing groups had to be added.

in order to get the leaves dubble sided the mesh had to have two sides because the shader is not made for two sides.

The Base Monkey character model is ready and rigged

For this week there's just one test animation but more animation will come soon.

Get Banana_Wars

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